Mbone - OpenMash Tools

Mbone is a network for real-time conferencing which relies on multi-cast protocols to "broadcast" to a number of users simultaneously. The MBone tools has traditionally been available only for a select number of Unix platforms, however the tools have recently been ported to Windows and OS X platforms.

Mbone software suite ("Tools") is a complex package, main parts of which are:

* Robust networked audio * Coordination and control of multicast conferences * Multimedia servers and video on demand * Transcoding and gatewaying of media streams * Secure conferencing systems and infrastructure * Audio/video quality assessment * Evaluation of multicast conferencing

The main maintainer of the package is Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for Europe (MICE)


In parallel, Mbone tools are developed through Open Mash Consortium ( http://openmash.org ). OpenMAsh project is very active in implementation of new codecs and producing stable programs for all operating systems.

Mbone Tools / Open Mash packages could be downloaded as precompiled binaries (Linux/ Windows/ BSD ..) or as source distributions - all distributed under GPL.

  • Audio / Video tools

We will actively use VAT (Video-conferencing Audio Tool) and RAT (Robust Audio Tool) for audio encoding, and VIC (Video Internet Conferencing) for video encoding.

* Information on how to build VAT for various platforms is available on. http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/vat/ http://www-itg.lbl.gov/mbone/vat.adv.html

* RAT and its features are explained in detail at http://www-mice.cs.ucl.ac.uk/multimedia/software/rat/

* VIC command line switches and options are on: http://openmash.org/users/tools/usage/vic.html http://www-itg.lbl.gov/mbone/vic.begin.html





