


scripts¥Ø¿ý¤U¦³¶W¹L100­Ó *.scmÀÉ¡A³o¨Ç¬O¾Ç²ß¼v¹³³B²z§Þ¥©ªº³Ì¦n±Ð§÷¡A¥H¤U§Ú­Ì¨Ó¬ã¨sChris Gutteridge ©Ò¼gªºcamo.scmµ{¦¡¡C







l          °õ¦æ[GIMP] -> Xtns -> Script_Fu -> Patterns -> Land¨Ï¥Î¹w³]ªº°Ñ¼Æ¡A²£¥Í¥ª¤W¹Ï°g±m¹Ï®×¡C

l          °g±m¹Ï®×ªº®ÄªG¬O¥Ñ¤T­Ó¹Ï¼h­«Å|Åã¥Ü¦Ó²£¥Íªº¡C








l          File-> New¡A·s¼W¤@­Ó³z©ú©³¦â256x256¼v¹³¡C

l          ¦A·s¼W¨â­Ó³z©ú¹Ï¼h¡C

l          ¤T­Ó¹Ï¼h§ó¦W¬°Camo Thick Layer¡BCamo Thick Layer¡BBackground¡C

6: (set! theImage (car(gimp-image-new theWidth theHeight RGB)))

8: (set! baseLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA_IMAGE "Background" 100 NORMAL)))

9: (gimp-image-add-layer theImage baseLayer 0):

11: (set! thickLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA_IMAGE "Camo Thick Layer" 100 NORMAL)))

12: (gimp-image-add-layer theImage thickLayer 0)

14: (set! thinLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA_IMAGE "Camo Thin Layer" 100 NORMAL)))

15: (gimp-image-add-layer theImage thinLayer 0)



l          ±NBackground¹Ï¼h¥þ¿ï¨Ï¥ÎÃC®Æ±í¤u¨ã¶î¤WRGB´Ó¬°(33,100,58)ªººñ¦â¡C

17: (gimp-selection-all theImage)

18:(gimp-palette-set-background inColor1)

19:(gimp-drawable-fill baseLayer BG-IMAGE-FILL)



l          ¹ïCamo Thick Layer»PCamo Thick Layer¹Ï¼h¤À§O°õ¦æ[image] -> Filters -> Render -> Clouds -> Solid-Noise¡AÂI¿ïTileable¿ï¶µ¡ATurbulent¿ï¶µ¤£ÂI¿ï¡A²£¥Í¦Ç¶¥Ãúª¬®ÄªG¡C

l          ÂI¿ïTileable¿ï¶µ¡A²£¥Íªº¹Ï®×¬OµL±µÁ_ªº¹Ï®×¡C

21: (plug-in-solid-noise TRUE theImage thickLayer 1 0 (rand 65536) 1 inGrain inGrain)

22: (plug-in-solid-noise TRUE theImage thinLayer 1 0 (rand 65536) 1 inGrain inGrain)

l          ¹ïCamo Thick Layer¹Ï¼h°õ¦æ[image] -> Image ->Colors -> Threshold¡AThreshold Range³]127¨ì255¡C

l          ¹ïCamo Thin Layer¹Ï¼h°õ¦æ[image] -> Image ->Colors -> Threshold¡AThreshold Range³]145¨ì255¡C

l          §Q¥ÎThreshold¥i²£¥Í¶Â¥Õ¤G¦â´³ÂIªº¼v¹³¡A½Õ¾ãThreshold Range¥i²£¥Í¤£¦Pªº¶Â¥Õ´³ÂI¤À¥¬±¡ªp¡C

23:(gimp-threshold thickLayer 127 255)

24:(gimp-threshold thinLayer 145 255)


l          ¹ïCamo Thick Layer¹Ï¼h°õ¦æ[image] ->Select -> By Color±N¶Â¦âªº³¡¤À¿ï¦í¡C±N¿ï¨úªº³¡¤À

l          ¹ïCamo Thick Layer¹Ï¼h°õ¦æ[image] -> Edit -> Clear¡A±N¿ï¨úªº³¡¤À²M°£¡C

l          °õ¦æ[image] ->Select -> Invert¡A±N¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¤ÏÂà¡C

28: (gimp-palette-set-background inColor2)

29: (gimp-by-color-select thickLayer '(0 0 0) 127 REPLACE  TRUE FALSE 0 FALSE)

30: (gimp-edit-clear thickLayer)

31: (gimp-selection-invert theImage)





l          ¹ïCamo Thick Layer¹Ï¼h¡A¨Ï¥ÎÃC®Æ±í¤u¨ã±N¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¶î¤WRGB´Ó¬°(170,170,0)ªººñ¶À¦â¡C

32:(gimp-edit-fill thickLayer BG-IMAGE-FILL)

33:(gimp-selection-none theImage)



l          ¹ïCamo Thin Layer¹Ï¼h°õ¦æ[image] ->Select -> By Color±N¶Â¦âªº³¡¤À¿ï¦í¡C±N¿ï¨úªº³¡¤À

l          ¹ïCamo Thick Layer¹Ï¼h°õ¦æ[image] -> Edit -> Clear¡A±N¿ï¨úªº³¡¤À²M°£¡C

l          °õ¦æ[image] ->Select -> Invert¡A±N¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¤ÏÂà¡C

40: (gimp-palette-set-background inColor3)

41: (gimp-by-color-select thinLayer '(0 0 0) 127 REPLACE  TRUE FALSE 0 FALSE)

42: (gimp-edit-clear thinLayer)

43: (gimp-selection-invert theImage)


l          ¹ïCamo Thin Layer¹Ï¼h¡A¨Ï¥ÎÃC®Æ±í¤u¨ã±N¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¶î¤WRGB´Ó¬°(150,115,100)ªº´Ä¦â¡C

l          °õ¦æ[image] -> Select -> NoneÄÀ©ñ¨ú°Ï°ì¡C

44: (gimp-edit-fill thinLayer BG-IMAGE-FILL)

45: (gimp-selection-none theImage)


l          ¤T­Ó¹Ï¼h­«Å|Åã¥Ü²£¥Í°g±m¹Ï®×ªº®ÄªG¡C




l          µ{¦¡½Xcamo.scm¤À¤T³¡¥÷

l          µù¸Ñ¡Aª©Åv«Å§i¡C

l          (define (script-fu-camo-pattern   )) ¡A

l          (script-fu-register " script-fu-camo-pattern  )


; Chris Gutteridge (cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk)

; At ECS Dept, University of Southampton, England.


; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

; (at your option) any later version.


; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


; GNU General Public License for more details.


; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


1:(define (script-fu-camo-pattern inSize inGrain inColor1 inColor2 inColor3 inSmooth inFlatten)


3:        (set! old-bg (car (gimp-palette-get-background)))

4:        (set! theWidth inSize)

5:     (set! theHeight inSize)

6:        (set! theImage (car(gimp-image-new theWidth theHeight RGB)))


8:        (set! baseLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA_IMAGE "Background" 100 NORMAL)))

9:        (gimp-image-add-layer theImage baseLayer 0)


11:        (set! thickLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA_IMAGE "Camo Thick Layer" 100 NORMAL)))

12:        (gimp-image-add-layer theImage thickLayer 0)


14:        (set! thinLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA_IMAGE "Camo Thin Layer" 100 NORMAL)))

15:        (gimp-image-add-layer theImage thinLayer 0)


17:        (gimp-selection-all theImage)

18:        (gimp-palette-set-background inColor1)

19:        (gimp-drawable-fill baseLayer BG-IMAGE-FILL)


21:        (plug-in-solid-noise TRUE theImage thickLayer 1 0 (rand 65536) 1 inGrain inGrain)

22:        (plug-in-solid-noise TRUE theImage thinLayer 1 0 (rand 65536) 1 inGrain inGrain)

23:        (gimp-threshold thickLayer 127 255)

24:        (gimp-threshold thinLayer 145 255)


26:   (set! theBlur (- 16 inGrain))


28:        (gimp-palette-set-background inColor2)

29:        (gimp-by-color-select thickLayer '(0 0 0) 127 REPLACE  TRUE FALSE 0 FALSE)

30:        (gimp-edit-clear thickLayer)

31:        (gimp-selection-invert theImage)

32:        (gimp-edit-fill thickLayer BG-IMAGE-FILL)

33:        (gimp-selection-none theImage)

34:        (if (= inSmooth TRUE)

35:       (script-fu-tile-blur theImage thickLayer theBlur TRUE TRUE FALSE)

36:            ()

37:        )



40:        (gimp-palette-set-background inColor3)

41:        (gimp-by-color-select thinLayer '(0 0 0) 127 REPLACE  TRUE FALSE 0 FALSE)

42:        (gimp-edit-clear thinLayer)

43:        (gimp-selection-invert theImage)

44:        (gimp-edit-fill thinLayer BG-IMAGE-FILL)

45:        (gimp-selection-none theImage)

46:        (if (= inSmooth TRUE)

47:       (script-fu-tile-blur theImage thinLayer (/ theBlur 2) TRUE TRUE FALSE)

48:            ()

49:        )



52:        (if (= inFlatten TRUE)

53:            (gimp-image-flatten theImage)

54:            ()

55:        )

56:        (gimp-palette-set-background old-bg)

57:        (gimp-display-new theImage)

58:   )


; Register the function with the GIMP:





 "Camouflage pattern"

 "Chris Gutteridge: cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk"

 "28th April 1998"

 "Chris Gutteridge / ECS @ University of Southampton, England"


 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Image Size"    '(256 10 1000 1 10 0 1)

 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Granularity"   '(7 0 15 1 1 0 0)

 SF-COLOR      _"Color 1"       '(33 100 58)

 SF-COLOR      _"Color 2"       '(170 170 60)

 SF-COLOR      _"Color 3"       '(150 115 100)

 SF-TOGGLE     _"Smooth"        FALSE

 SF-TOGGLE     _"Flatten Image" TRUE



