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¹ïÀ³¨ìsphere.scmµ{¦¡½X¤¤ªº¨ç¼Æ |
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l °õ¦æ[GIMP] -> File -> New¡A²£¥Í¤j¤p375x250¥Õ¦â©³¦âªº¼v¹³¡C l ¹Ï¼hªº¦W¦r§ó§ï¬°Sphere Layer l ²£¥Í¥Õ¦â©³¦âªº¼v¹³¡Aµ{¦¡½X¦Ü¤Ön4¦æ¤~¯à°µ¨ì¡A gimp-image-new¡G²£¥Í·s¼v¹³ gimp-layer-new¡G²£¥Í·s¹Ï¼h gimp-image-add-layer¡G¬°¼v¹³¥[¤W¹Ï¼h gimp-edit-fill¡G±N¹Ï¼h¶ñ¤W¥Õ¦â |
13:(img (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB))) 14: (drawable (car (gimp-layer-new img width height RGB_IMAGE
"Sphere Layer" 100 NORMAL))) 27: (gimp-image-add-layer img drawable 0) 28: (gimp-palette-set-foreground sphere-color) 29: (gimp-palette-set-background bg-color) 30: (gimp-edit-fill drawable BG-IMAGE-FILL) |
¾ò¶ê¿ï¨ú |
l ¨Ï¥Î¾ò¶ê¿ï¨ú¤u¨ã°é¥X¤@Ó¾ò¶ê§Îªº¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¡C¾ò¶ê¿ï¨ú¤u¨ãªº°Ñ¼Æ³]©wFeather³]7.5¡C l ¾ò¶ê¿ï¨úªº³»ÂI®y¼Ð¡]10.7¡A190¡^¡A¾ò¶ê¿ï¨úªº¼e176.8¡A¾ò¶ê¿ï¨úªºªø50¡C l ¾ò¶ê¿ï¨ú©Ò¨Ï¥Îªº°Ñ¼Æ¬O®Ú¾Úµ{¦¡½X¤¤ªº¤½¦¡ºâ¥X¨Óªº¡C l §A¥i¥H®Ú¾Ú§Aªºª½Ä±¤£¥²¤Óºë½T¦a²£¥Í¤@Ó¾ò¶ê§Îªº¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¡C |
46:(gimp-ellipse-select img shadow-x shadow-y shadow-w shadow-h REPLACE TRUE 7.5) |
»s§@³±¼v |
¨Ï¥ÎÃC®Æ±í¤u¨ã l ¥Ñ©ó¦Ð¤Æ¿ï¨ú°Ï°ìªº¦]¯À¡A¨Ï±o¦r¶Â¦âªº¾ò¶ê§ÎªºÃä½tÅܼҽk¡C |
47:(gimp-bucket-fill drawable BG-BUCKET-FILL MULTIPLY 100 0 FALSE 0 0) |
¾ò¶ê¿ï¨ú |
l ¨Ï¥Î¾ò¶ê¿ï¨ú¤u¨ã°é¥X¤@Ó¶ê§Îªº¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¡C l ¶ê¤ß¬°¼v¹³ªº¤¤¤ß¡]187.5¡A125¡^¡B¥b®|100¡A¬G¾ò¶ê¿ï¨úªº³»ÂI®y¼Ð¡]87.5¡A25¡^¡A¾ò¶ê¿ï¨úªº¼e200¡A¾ò¶ê¿ï¨úªºªø200¡C l §A¥i¥H®Ú¾Ú§Aªºª½Ä±¤£¥²¤Óºë½T¦a²£¥Í¤@Ó¶ê§Îªº¿ï¨ú°Ï°ì¡C |
50: (gimp-ellipse-select img (- cx radius) (- cy radius) (* 2 radius) (* 2 radius) REPLACE TRUE FALSE 0) |
¤u¨ã¿ï¶µ¹ï¸Ü²° ¦³¥ú¼vªº²yÅé |
l º¥¼h¶ñ¦â±í¤u¨ãªº°Ñ¼Æ¿ï¶µ³]©w¦p¥k¡CGradient³]Radial¡A©ñ®gª¬ªºº¥¼h¡C l
¦b«e´º¦â¬°¬õ¦â¡BI´º¦â¬°¶Â¦â¡A¨Ï¥Îº¥¼h¶ñ¦â¤u¨ã l ¥Ñ©ó¬O©ñ®gª¬º¥¼h¡A¶ê¤ßªº¥k¤W¨¤¡]230,82.6¡^³o¤@ÂIªþªñ¬O¸û«Gªº¬õ¦â¡A·|¦³µo¥úªº·Pı¡F¥ª¤U¨¤¡]116.8¡A195.7¡^³o¤@ÂIªþªñ¬O¸û·tªº¬õ¦â©Î¶Â¦â¡A¦³³±¼vªº·Pı¡C l ¶ê¤ß»P¥ú·½¦ì¸m¬O®Ú¾Úµ{¦¡½X¤¤ªº¤½¦¡ºâ¥X¨Óªº¡C l §A¥i¥H®Ú¾Ú§Aªºª½Ä±¤£¥²¤Óºë½T¦a¥h»s§@¦³¥ú¼vªº²yÅé¡C |
51: (gimp-blend drawable FG-BG-RGB NORMAL RADIAL 100 offset
REPEAT-NONE FALSE 0 0 light-x light-y light-end-x light-end-y) 52: (gimp-selection-none img) |
l µ{¦¡½Xsphere.scm¤À¤T³¡¥÷ l 1~8¦æ¡Gµù¸Ñ l 9~58¦æ:¡G(define (script-fu-sphere )) ¡A¦b´ú¸Õµ{¦¡ªº¹Lµ{¤¤¡A§Ú±N¥¦§ï¬°script-fu-sphere2 l 59~71¦æ¡G(script-fu-register "script-fu-sphere" ) l §Ú±N¬A¸¹¹ï»ô¡A¤è«K¬ã¨sµ{¦¡½X¡A¬G¦æ¼Æ»P쥻ªºÀɮפ£¤@¼Ë¡C |
l sphere.scmµ{¦¡½X¡A¦³¤@¥bªºµ{¦¡½X¬O¦bpºâ²yÅ骺¶ê¤ß¡B¥b®|¡B¥ú·½ªº¦ì¸m¡B³±¼vªº¦ì¸m»P¤j¤p¡C l §Ú±N³o¨ÇÅܼÆpºâ«á¬ö¿ý¦b¤U±ªºÄæ¦ì¤¤¡C |
1: ; Create a 3D sphere
with optional shadow 2: ; The sphere's
principle color will be the foreground 3: ; Parameters: 4: ; bg-color:
background color 5: ; sphere-color:
color of sphere 6: ; radius:
radius of the sphere in pixels 7: ; light: angle of light source in degrees 8: ; shadow: whather to create a shadow as well |
¹w³]¿é¤J°Ñ¼ÆªºÈ Radius¡×100 Lighting (degrees)¡×45 Shadow¡×" TRUE Background Color¡× '(255 255 255) Sphere Color¡×'(255 0 0)) |
9: (define (script-fu-sphere2 radius light shadow bg-color
sphere-color) 10: (let* ( 11: (width (* radius
3.75)) 12: (height (*
radius 2.5)) 13: (img (car
(gimp-image-new width height RGB))) 14: (drawable (car
(gimp-layer-new img width height RGB_IMAGE "Sphere Layer" 100
NORMAL))) 15: (radians (/ (*
light *pi*) 180)) 16: (cx (/ width 2)) 17: (cy (/ height 2)) 18: (light-x (+ cx
(* radius (* 0.6 (cos radians))))) 19: (light-y (- cy (*
radius (* 0.6 (sin radians))))) 20: (light-end-x (+ cx
(* radius (cos (+ *pi* radians))))) 21: (light-end-y (- cy
(* radius (sin (+ *pi* radians))))) 22: (offset (* radius
0.1)) 23: (old-fg (car
(gimp-palette-get-foreground))) 24: (old-bg (car
(gimp-palette-get-background))) 25 ) 26:
(gimp-image-undo-disable img) 27:
(gimp-image-add-layer img drawable 0) 28:
(gimp-palette-set-foreground sphere-color) 29:
(gimp-palette-set-background bg-color) 30:
(gimp-edit-fill drawable BG-IMAGE-FILL) 31:
(gimp-palette-set-background '(20 20 20)) 32:
(if (and 33: (or (and (>=
light 45) (<= light 75)) (and (<= light 135) (>= light 105))) 34: (= shadow TRUE)) 35: (let ( 36:
(shadow-w (* (* radius 2.5) (cos (+ *pi* radians)))) 37: (shadow-h
(* radius 0.5)) 38: (shadow-x
cx) 39: (shadow-y
(+ cy (* radius 0.65))) 40: ) 41:
(if (< shadow-w 0) 42:
(prog1 (set! shadow-x (+ cx shadow-w)) 43:
(set! shadow-w (- shadow-w)) 44:
) 45:
) 46:
(gimp-ellipse-select img shadow-x shadow-y shadow-w shadow-h REPLACE
TRUE TRUE 7.5) 47:
(gimp-bucket-fill drawable BG-BUCKET-FILL MULTIPLY 100 0 FALSE 0 0) 48: ) 49:
) 50:
(gimp-ellipse-select img (- cx radius) (- cy radius) (* 2 radius) (* 2
radius) REPLACE TRUE FALSE 0) 51:
(gimp-blend drawable FG-BG-RGB NORMAL RADIAL 100 offset REPEAT-NONE
FALSE 0 0 light-x light-y light-end-x light-end-y) 52:
(gimp-selection-none img) 53:
(gimp-palette-set-background old-bg) 54:
(gimp-palette-set-foreground old-fg) 55:
(gimp-image-undo-enable img) 56:
(gimp-display-new img) 57: ) 58: ) |
Radius¡×100¡FLighting (degrees)¡×45
¥H¡]187.5¡A125¡^¬°¶ê¤ß¡A¥ú±q¡]230,82.6¡^³B¨ì¡]116.8¡A195.7¡^³B¡A±q¶ê¤ß45«×¨¤³B¨ì¶ê¤ß225«×¨¤³B¡C 32¦æ¨ì34¦æªº±ø¥ó¦¡¬O¬°¨î¥úªº¨¤«×¡A ©w¥úªº¨¤«×¬O¬°¤FÁקK²£¥Íªº¼v¤l¤Ó¤j©Î¤Ó¤p¡C let»Plet*¦³¦ó¤£¦P¡H
shadow-w¡×-176.8 ¡Õ0
prog1¬O¤°»ò¡H |
59: (script-fu-register "script-fu-sphere2" 60:
_"<Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Misc/Sphere2..." 61: "Simple sphere with
a drop shadow" 62:
Kimball" 63: "Spencer
Kimball" 64: "1996" 65: "" 66: SF-ADJUSTMENT
_"Radius (pixels)" '(100 5 500 1 10 0 1) 67: SF-ADJUSTMENT
_"Lighting (degrees)" '(45 0 360 1 10 0 0) 68: SF-TOGGLE
_"Shadow" TRUE 69: SF-COLOR _"Background Color" '(255
255 255) 70: SF-COLOR _"Sphere Color" '(255 0 0) 71: ) |
46:(gimp-ellipse-select img shadow-x shadow-y shadow-w shadow-h REPLACE TRUE 7.5)
50: (gimp-ellipse-select img (- cx radius) (- cy radius) (* 2 radius) (* 2 radius) REPLACE TRUE FALSE 0)
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